QB.Fire team beat Team Russia at WESG 2017 Russia LAN Qualifier

QB.Fire team beat Team Russia at WESG 2017 Russia LAN Qualifier

During LAN qualification of the Russian region as part of WESG 2017, the Quantum Bellator Fire team score a victory. In addition to the place in the European finals, it also received $2 000. A place in the WESG EU Regional Finals was also received by Team Russia, which got the second place.

The best player in QB.Fire in this confrontation was Nikita “watterfaLLz” Matveev. Among the Team Russia players, the best one was Natus Vincere player Yegor “flamie” Vasilyev.

Team Russia won with a score of 16:10 on the Train map, but on Inferno (14:16) and Cobblestone (13:16), the team was defeated by the less eminent team of QB.Fire.

On November 22-26 during the European final, both Russian teams will have to fight for $93 000 and a place in the world championship WESG 2017, whose prize fund is $1.5 million.

eSportconf Russia, esport, киберспорт, WESG 2017, WESG 2017 Russia

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